Sunday, March 11, 2012

Progress, No Demolitions Like Pas Kedah : Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir's Media Statement

While azizan and his excos are busy trying to demolish a historic 102-year old surau and replace it with a shopping centre on a waqf land bequeathed for a surau, and while phahrolrazi and his pro-israel pakatan erdogan group try to find new ways of destroying azizan's administration, here's something that even they might find as diverting.

Finally, progress that comes in without any demolition and far from breaching any condition on a waqf land. This media statement from YB Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir only goes to show how dedicated BN is especially in serving the needs of the people.

Kenyataan Media:
YB Dato' Mukhriz Mahathir Ahli Parlimen Jerlun

Saya telah menyerahkan surat setuju terima tender kepada dua kontraktor untuk pembinaan masjid baru di Telaga Batu, Ayer Hitam, Jerlun dan membaikpulih Sekolah Menengah Nahdatul Hasanah, Melele, Jerlun. Kos pembinaan masjid tersebut adalah RM1.4juta manakala kos baikpulih sekolah pula RM1.5juta.

Dua projek ini antara beberapa lagi yg telah dipohon oleh rakyat Jerlun melalui YB Dato Mukhriz & ADUN Kota Siputeh YB Dato Abu Hasan Sarif, yang membuktikan kesungguhan BN utk mengotakan janji. Biarpun negeri Kedah ditadbir oleh PR, namun BN tetap berkhidmat memenuhi aspirasi rakyat.

Wakil rakyat BN di Jerlun bagi pihak rakyat mengucapkan terima kasih kpd YAB Perdana Menteri atas kelulusan khas yg diberikan utk dua projek ini. Majlis tersebut yg dihadiri oleh Dato Abu Hasan, Dato Azmi Lateh, Pegawai Kemajuan Negeri Kedah Darulaman, Dato Osman Aziz, Setiausaha UMNO Kedah, kariah masjid & warga sekolah bermula dari solat maghrib berjemaah disusuli solat hajat dan bacaan surat yasin.

 Dato' Mukhriz Mahathir
 Ahli Parlimen Jerlun

It must've riled the state government to find that, despite their friendly name of pakatan rakyat, they find themselves becoming more of pakatan menentang rakyat when all they do is bicker amongst themselves and conspiring for power. As a result, the infrastructure of Kedah has been left in disregards: nobody fixing the damaged roads despite Federal's allocation of money, water supply is still bad at many places despite rates going 45% up and many more that pas never bothered to count. Perhaps trying to get that RM600million to anwar's campaign fund has become a priority over the people. Shame on you! Maybe phahrolrazi and his cohorts should take the money, roll them up, turn it up sideways and cram them up their candied...ummm...nose!

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