While anwar is playing a lot of bollywood comedy in the court this week, there was a lot of giggling going on when the MB of Kedah, Azizan stated that the state is considering its own dissolution of the State Assembly. The giggling? Oh right, well, many people knew that this was another hard attempt on distraction from any issues on what is the state up to right now in assisting the flood victims.
I might sound narcistic in keeping this "old" issue of the Kedah floods, but now that the water has subsided, nothing much has been done. Maybe Azizan and his cohorts are breathing a few sighs of relief, but the aftermath has been a constant burn in his sleep. The flood waters brought so much debris that became clogs in the drainage system. Sure the rain is not as heavy and constant as before but every time a heavy thunderst6orm decides to pass by, the drainage system fails to divert the incoming volume of water, which in turn causes flash floods and more traumatic woes to the victims who have already suffered. Well, Azizan, despite the weather outside, it's not all bright and sunny day yet, and don't fall asleep yet.
Another reason for azizan not to fall asleep is a person who might just threaten his seat and successor. Yes, we're talking about the all wind and mouth, but no brain mahfuz. Yes, despite pas members have been laughing at him behind his back (lucky it wasn't anwar), he is back, lurking around and his eyes are really fixed on the seat of Azizan's. It has always been an open secret that azizan has no desire (or wits) to be the MB for a 2nd term, and he has already hand-picked and groomed his successor, much to the aghast of his hard working "Deputy." Mahfuz' casting himself into the much murky pool might just threat the succession plans. On the other hand, anybody replacing him can never go any lower after that, because we already had mahfuz as mb. Boy, when you think you can't go any lower after Pak Lah...
I don't have much confidence in Bashah, Det Khalid and many more in UMNO Kedah, but still, I mist take my hat off and give the respect deserved for the tireless efforts on their part during the floods. Yes, I keep bumping into them on the roads and areas during the floods. Keep up the good work. We'll deal politics with you after this...yes, yes, get ready for bantering.
Now we turn to one of the most loathed individual ever to exist in Malaysia. No, no, we're not talking about mahfuz again, we're talking about the other loathsome one, though slightly useful, Khairy Jamalludin. This is the guy who won the Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia after a gutsy 10(?) hour vote counting, followed by the rhythmic, victorious chant of "KJ RASUAH!" We have seen this week on the talks of a cabinet reshuffle and/or not, and the most worrying among all, and dreaded by almost every single Malaysian, is that rumors are spread that KJ might be a Deputy Minister. On the other hand, rumors also stated that Mukhriz will be a full Minister (good rumor, that). We can almost hear everybody getting to arms with the KJ news. Well, unless Najib has a political death wish or a wildly bizarre sense of humor, we hope this will never happen. Of course, we hope Mukhriz would be a Minister, although we feel that he's in an even better position if he returns to lead Kedah.
Why not KJ? Do I have to explain? Someone branded this guy as "Anwar's Apprentice" once, and how surprising can it get? He rose through the ranks just like anwar, much to everybody's chagrin, and became one of Malaysia's back-seat ruler during pak lah. God knows what will happen if this feathered-duck upstrart gets to be a minister. Then again, his loyalists have been lobbying and campaigning for KJ for a ministrial post for quite some time already, which shows how insensitive they are the wishes of fellow Malaysians.
Well, who would ever believe it? On the state level, you have a clown vying for the highest seat in Kedah and on a federal level, you have an unwanted has-been trying to claw his way in. It has been a week, it could've been better.
Oh yes, you might notice I use old pictures...
DUA hari lepas Mak Cik Kemboja dan anaknya didakwa di mahkamah kerana
menghina Melayu.Boleh dikatakan setiap hari akan ada saja individu membuat
1 year ago
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