Saturday, March 5, 2011

Checkmate, Anwar? Your Move Next...

Ok, so I don't really need to explain in this posting, Ummi is telling all about the butthead known as Anwar Ibrahim and his triangle of...well...

There are so many things people can say about her, anwar said she's a mosquito, and you can sense that she has more bites than what anwar can swat. Now, we shall wait for your move, Anwar, will you sue?


  1. Salam Tuan. Cantik layout baru ni.
    Pohon kerjasama Tuan untuk linkkan portal sy "FoN Online" di Blog tuan.

    ini link :

    Terima kasih sebelum...Wassalam

  2. tolong masuk link aku sekali:

    kita gegar kedah dengan gelombang merah!

  3. Salam flowerofnation,

    Blog Kedah Senang sememangnya sudah berada di link Kedah Blogs sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas. Saya akan masukkan link flowerofnation kedalam My Blog List, unless kalau sdr flowerofnation mahukannya dalam Kedah Blog juga.
